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Low-Impact Fitness Program

Senior doing a low impact movement exercise

As we age, and with each passing year, our bodies' tolerance to high-impact exercises reduces significantly.


As such, exercises that were once appropriate for us in our younger days - such as those that involve plenty of running, jumping, and other explosive or ballistic actions - are probably now too stressful and overly demanding on our bodily systems.


In order to keep up with our current active lifestyles, and to stay fit and healthy through our Golden Years - without resorting to exercises that pummel or pulverize our aging joints - we'll need to find new and better ways to train our bodies.


One of these ways is through low-impact fitness training.


Basically, low-impact exercises are those which are gentle on the joints, and where pressure or strain on our body's supporting structures are greatly-minimized or considerably-reduced.


Also, these exercises - If done in a standing position - would usually involve having one foot in constant contact with the ground at any one time. 


Seniors who train using low-impact movements and drills will not only continue to reap the full spectrum of benefits that comes with regular exercise, but also get to preserve their joints and reduce their risk of injuries in the long run.

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Read on for more commonly-asked questions - and answers - on Low-Impact Fitness Training:

  • Does Low-Impact Training Means A Lighter And Easier Workout?


NO, low impact does NOT necessarily translate to an easier or lighter exercise session. Nor does it mean exercising at a reduced or low intensity. It merely implies that less strain or less impact is placed on your joints when you are working-out. In fact, low-impact training can be scaled all the way from low- to moderate- and even up to high-intensity if you wish!


To put it another way, with low-impact exercises, you can train as HARD or as INTENSE as you want to, without subjecting your body to any unnecessary pounding or jarring.

  • How Do I Incorporate Low-Impact Training Into My Exercise Routine?


Low impact training can be easily integrated into any segment or component of your exercise routine.


For instance, it can be included in your usual resistance/strength-training routine or your cardiovascular workoutsAlso, you can easily include low-impact exercises into your functional training regimes or your mobility/movement training sessions.

  • What Kind Of Equipment Do I Need For Low-Impact Training?


In the past, most people only associate low-impact exercises with common activities like walking, swimming or cycling.


Today, low impact training can be done with ANY and ALL types of fitness equipment, or even with NONE at all if you wish to (as in a body-weight type training program).


The trick is in knowing how to adapt and adjust each training modality or equipment usage to suit the low-impact approach.

In our senior/older adult programs, we have conducted low-impact training using all kinds of fitness tools, including, but not limited to: dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, suspension trainers and resistance bands.

  • How Is Low Impact Training Conducted?


Based on the data and assessment results that we have collected from you during the Fitness Consultation Session, an individually-tailored low-impact training program will be drawn-up specially for you, catering specifically to your unique health/fitness needs, as well as to your likes and dislikes.

You will then have the option of doing your training sessions as part of a Home Personal Training Package or as an Outdoor Training Option.


All in all, prime yourself for an Unforgettable Fitness Experience!


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