Trainer Verification & Validation

One of the most glaring shortcomings in the fitness industry today is the lack of checks and balances for consumers and the Public in general when it comes to assessing a trainer's credentials and professional qualifications.
As a result, almost anyone and everyone can get away with calling himself or herself a "trainer" or "coach" or even an "expert" with very little questions asked.
At Rick Wong Fitness, I strongly encourage you to exercise your rights as a Consumer and Potential Client - to actively scrutinize and verify my professional credentials, experiences and qualifications before choosing to work with me.
Do feel free to chat with me and even ask me for PROOF of my current professional qualifications, coaching experiences, industry memberships and associations during our consultation sessions.
I'll be most glad to share them with you.
For a start, you may wish to peruse, verify and validate my following qualifications for your peace of mind:
Personal Trainer Certification
- awarded by National Council On Strength & Fitness
Fitness Instructor Certification
- awarded by Singapore Fitness Instructors Association
CPR & AED Provider Certification
- awarded by Singapore Heart Foundation
Kettlebell Instructor Certification
- awarded by International Youth Conditioning Association
Olympic Lift Instructor Certification
- awarded by International Youth Conditioning Association
Senior Fitness Specialist Certification
- awarded by National Academy Of Sports Medicine
Resistance Band Instructor Certification
- awarded by International Youth Conditioning Association
Functional Training Specialist Certification
- awarded by American Council On Exercise
Aerobics Kickboxing Instructor Certification
- awarded by Australian Fitness Accreditation Council
Pre-&-Post Natal Fitness Specialist Certification
- awarded by American Fitness Professionals & Associates
Medicine Ball Training Specialist Certification
- awarded by Institute Of Human Performance
Group Exercise/Aerobics Instructor Certification
- awarded by Singapore Fitness Instructors Association
Outdoor Physical Education Specialist Certification
- awarded by School Of Physical Education, NTU
Lifestyle & Weight Management Specialist Certification
- awarded by National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association
TriggerPoint Total-Body Self-Myofascial Release Certification
- awarded by TriggerPoint International And IDEA Health And Fitness Association